• Never send cryptocurrency in exchange for more cryptocurrency, Scam Guaranteed!

  • Never invest in a single project or site, diversify your accounts and investments, this will cover you with a total loss!

  • Always check your addresses after pasting them because it exists there are viruses that change them. Quickly check the beginning, the middle and the end.

  • If you are a holder, when the cryptocurrency goes up you can recover your initial investment, leave the rest and reinvest elsewhere! Guaranteed Wealth!

  • Always reinvest at least $ 100 per month in real money, You can become a millionaire in 10 years! (Soon the link of the explanatory video with Excel table to support!)

  • When you resell your cryptocurrency, if you are in doubt that the price will go up even more, Keep 30% of that cryptocurrency and monitor!

  • Follow influencers and projects on twitter, you will be warned of a good plan or alert on projects.